Who is eligible to run? Officer candidates must be a member in good standing for greater than one year. Candidates for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are one-year terms. Director positions are two-year terms - alternating election years. To run for a Directorship, you need to be a member in good standing. Each Director discusses with the President their preferred position, and assignments are based on these discussions as well as an individual’s experience. Board members are to attend monthly Board and membership meeting.
What roles are we filling in the upcoming year? We need to fille the executive team roles (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Open director roles are: Meetings & Entertainment, Social Media, Western Trips and Race & Sports.
President: Preside over the Board and membership meetings, appoint committees as needed and represent the Club at various activities and associations. Serve as ex officious on any committee but not the Nominating & Election Committee.
Vice-President: Succeed President, if necessary, preside over meetings in the absence of the President. Sell club merchandise items at club meetings and provide items to trips leaders to sell on trips. Select new items for the Club store and maintain inventory of Club equipment.
Secretary: Record minutes from monthly Board meetings and complete official correspondence not related to specific Directors.
Treasurer: Keep Club books & records using Club software, make deposits and disbursements as approved by Directors. Report monthly and year-end financial status to the Board, chair audit committee and prepare & file required federal and state tax returns.
Meetings and Entertainment: Coordinate selection of meeting locations for the Club, contract bands and/or DJs, speakers for meetings. Recruit members to greet and sign in members and guests at the meetings. Chair the End of Year Party committee.
Membership: Recruit new members, enter and maintain membership records using the Club software.
Newsletter: Editor of the newsletter, solicit articles, design and create monthly newsletter. Using club website, Facebook, and Board members, to provide a calendar and record of the year’s events. As needed, print and mail newsletter to members.
Social Media: Manage Sitzmark Facebook page by posting club events, promoting upcoming events and monitoring postings. Keep the Sitzmark club's website current and up to date - includes updating the photo slideshow, checking for old postings and proofreading postings.
Promotions: Design and distribute the Club brochures to ski, sports, and other retail outlets. Promote the Club and its events. Coordinate booths at ski and sports shows to promote the Club and recruit new members.
Race and Sports: Coordinate the race team with MMSC. Oversee sports leagues such as tennis and golf.
Social Events: Recruit members to organize a variety of social activities such as afterwork parties, dinners, camping, Museums and Packer parties.
Western Ski Trips: Organize non-Midwest trips, including reservations and pricing. Handle all payments in trip sign-ups using Club website database. Solicit and work with trip leaders.
Northern Ski Trips: Organize Midwest trips, including reservations and pricing. Handle all payments in trip sign-ups using Club website database. Solicit and work with trip leaders.