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Superbowl Sunday

  • 01 Feb 2015
  • 2200 S Clubhouse Dr. New Berline


  • Cost: $7 to cover main dish and shots for touchdowns!
    (BYOB and a dish, snack, appetizer, or dessert to pass)

When: Sunday, February 1st

Where:  Sanctuary of Woodshire

2200 S Clubhouse Dr.

New Berlin, WI

Doors will open at 3PM  Game time 5PM tentatively

Hosts:Megan Reilly 414-617-1995 (Linda will be in Hawaii)

 Lyle Strahota

 (Jim Reilly providing upstairs screening & big theatre style screen on lower level)

Cost: $7 to cover main dish and shots for touchdowns!

(BYOB and a dish, snack, appetizer, or dessert to pass)

Checks payable to:  Sitzmark Ski Club (please include any other names needed on check in memo)

Mail to:Megan Reilly

11411 W. Oklahoma Ave.

West Allis, WI 53227

(Game time 5PM-5:30PM tentatively)

Lyle will have game squares to sell as always.

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