2016 Peninsula Park
Door County Camping Trip
Thursday July 21st through Monday July 25th
We have the Lakeshore group site reserved! This is the trip of the summer, just ask anyone who has joined us in the past. Don’t miss it!
Organized events: Friday: fish fry @ Sister Bay Bowl, Saturday: potluck breakfast (prepare your favorite dish to share) & group kayak excursion and Sunday: Sixth Annual Door County Tennis Open Round Robin tennis tournament. Hiking, biking, kayaking, boating, party island, awesome bonfires, wine tasting and treats throughout the weekend. Kayak and bike rentals available at Nicolet Beach.
The cost is $35 before June 21, 2016 and $40 after until the trip is full. Includes: campsite and all events above except fish fry and rentals.
For more information contact Nancy Woltzen at 414-559-0508 or nancywoltzen@gmail.com. Mail your check, payable to Sitzmark Ski Club, to Nancy to reserve your spot: 3145 S New York Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207.
Please include your email, day of arrival and whether you will be attending the fish fry. Also, let Nancy know if you will be participating in the tennis competition.
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