Golf League
August 29 - Last of the Season
Note: Aug 29th at Currie Park
Note: Being the last of the season and darkness coming earlier, the first tee time is at 5:00 PM
Carts available at the courses for an additional fee.
Cost depends on whether you have some sort of Milwaukee County Golf Discount Card.
This year is being set up differently, since we didn't have enough committed golfers to satisfy Milwaukee County's minimum player count.
Golf Updated 6.1.17.pdf
If you are interested, please contact
Joie Scheuer at :
Sitzmark Golf League
How it will work this year:
As of now we don't have enough people for a league, so I have made up a tentative schedule and will reserve Tee times 2 weeks in advance (earliest possible to make arrangements).
We will need to pay at the course so please plan extra time to check in and pay. This will be an advantage as you will be able to use your county card if you have one (or want to get one) as you get points and discounts esp. if its a senior card.