Sat., Dec. 2, 9:00 am
Wear your best (or worst) Santa or elf costume!
The Santa Cycle Rampage started 16 years ago with a handful of people who rode their bikes all year so we had a fun ride in the winter and encourage other people to try riding in the winter. Now lots of people ride all year, which may be one reason why the Santa Cycle Rampage now attracts hundreds of people and has even spun off other Santa Cycle Rampage rides as far away as Boston.
Registration Fees: Bike Fed members = $20; non-members = $35;
To register: or contact Ann Kammerer at or 414-258-9293
9 am Sitzmarks gather a half block SOUTH of the intersection of 69th and North Ave.
9:30 am Ride leaves from Cranky Al’s at 69th and North Ave.
10:30 am Ride ends at Lakefront Brewery, 1872 N Commerce St. (open to Santa and his helpers from 10am – 12pm)
In the past, we have ridden to other taverns embracing the event, back to Wauwatosa. Please join the group when they leave each establishment, if not, you are on your own.