Sat., Dec. 7, 9:00 am
(Schedule subject to change - more updates later)
Registration Fees: Adults (1) $25;
To register: http://www.bfw.org/rides/santa-cycle-rampage/ or contact Ann Kammerer at www.ann_kammerer@yahoo.com or 414-712-2606 (c)
7 - 9 am Pre-registered riders check-in and Day of Registration and pick up your collector's pin for first 500 registrants at Bel Air Cantina Tosa, 6817 W. North, Ave, Wauwatosa. (Free Tamales during this time period)
9 am Sitzmarks gather a half block SOUTH of the intersection of 69th and North Ave.
9:30 am Ride leaves from Cranky Al’s at 69th and North Ave.
10:30 am Ride ends at Lakefront Brewery, 1872 N Commerce St. (open to Santa and his helpers from 10am – 12pm)
In the past, we have ridden to other taverns embracing the event, back to Wauwatosa. Please join the group when they leave each establishment, if not, you are on your own.
Wear your best (or worst) Santa or elf costume!