Meet-up Skiing at Cascade Mountain
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Meet: Daisy Lodge 9:30 - 10
You can park, get tickets and eat there or park at the base and take lift up. To drive, take Cascade Mtn exit then go right on Fox Glen Rd the left on Daisy Drive.
Wine and Cheese
Meet again around 1 at Daisy lodge for Wine, Cheese and good company. Please feel free to bring something to share such as fruit, chocolate, cookies, etc.
Conditions are excellent and forecast is good. Lets have a great day skiing.
Let me know if you will be coming so supplies can be adjusted.
10411 Cascade Mountain Rd, Portage
Adult Lift Tickets $59 - No senior discount
Use your Skiwisconsin coupon
Questions? Contact: Dave Weber, Ph: 414-315-0010