Co-ed Volleyball
Every Wednesday Night Through August
Rainbow Park 6:30 PM
(2 blocks north of Greenfield on 116th Street)
All skill levels are welcome!!
We play off Washington & 116th St., just a few blocks north of Greenfield Park. (We may adjust the location for a few weeks to Greenfield Park if the traveling Beer tour is there, and the grass is cut as well as dry.) We set up one net, so rotating in sometimes can’t be avoided. We play until you can’t see the ball anymore. Nominal fee (25 cents members and 50 cents nonmembers) to help over equipment maintenance, etc. We go to a close-by bar afterwards for food and drinks.
Contact: Megan Reilly 414-617-1995.
Weather- Remember, just because it's raining by you, doesn't mean it's raining at VB. Check weather on your phone or call Megan.