Mission Lakes Condominium Clubhouse
(formerly St Joan of Arc Catholic Church)

W34851 E Wisconsin Ave, Okauchee, WI 53069 (see detailed directions below)
Party starts after 4:00 pm; Game starts at 5:30 pm
We're renting the beautiful and spacious clubhouse at Susan Harte's condo complex for the party. Lots of room to enjoy the game with friends in comfort and style!

Details: $8 per person. Main dishes and included: Jim’s pulled pork sandwiches -plain or add BBQ sauce, & Lyle’s sausages, condiments, chips, a dessert, and a non-alcoholic punch. Celebration shots after all scoring.
Bring your own alcohol and a small dish to pass. Game begins at 5:30 pm, but we should be set up by 4 pm if you want to start partying early.
Signups online are appreciated to estimate hot food required.
Park in the parking lot if space is available, overflow parking at Hair Benders, a salon across the street from the condo on Wisconsin Ave. Otherwise park on Wisconsin Avenue or Elm St. Community Center and Clubhouse entrance is across the street from Hometown Gas Station. There is a roundabout in front of the main Clubhouse/Church door to drop things off if necessary. Please go up steps in front of the Clubhouse/Church and enter through main wooden doors.
- I 94 West
- Exit HWY 16 West
- Exit HWY P South #178
- Turn right at bottom of ramp
- Turn left at Stop Sign on Wisconsin Ave.
- Drive about 1/4 mile or less
- Condos and Church Center on left
Link to Google Maps:
Google Maps street view of the entrance to clubhouse/church:,-88.4383508,3a,75y,222.31h,80.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svZX1FlT8UPoNqXskqA0ijg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
Hosts: Megan Reilly & Lyle Strahota.
Contact: Megan at (414.617.1995); Lyle at (414) 476.4761);